• Challenges in cryosphere-atmosphere interactions over complex terrain – Towards seamless research designs and holistic perspect, Erlangen (2021).
  • La Antártica se derrite. Television broadcast on Channel T13 on glacier changes in Antarctica, Santiago, Chile (2018).
  • Alarmante derretimiento de los glaciares en Chile. Television broadcast on ‘Ahora Noticias’ on glacier changes in Antarctica, Santiago, Chile (2018).
  • Climate Change – Causes – Impacts. Introductory talk on the drivers and effects of climate change for the ’Energy Revolution’ Film Festival, Nuremberg, Germany (2018).
  • Die Vermessung der Erde. A film team from the German television station ARD documented our field work on the Patagonian Icefields, Punta Arenas, Chile (2018)
  • Abenteuer Patagonien. A film team from the television station ARTE documented our field work on the Patagonian Icefields, Punta Arenas, Chile (2017).
  • Climate change – What  the world can do? Invited talk and panel discussion about the contribution and impact of society on climate change organized by the Gesellschaft für Sicherheitspolitik e.V., Bad Kissingen, Germany (2017).
  • Moisture transport mechanisms in Patagonia. Climate Impacts on Glaciers and Biosphere in Fuego-Patagonia, Berlin (2017).
  • Effects of local microclimates on the surface sensible heat flux on a mid-latitude alpine valley glacier using Large-Eddy Simulations. EGU General Assembly, Wien (2016).
  • Climate Change – A global perspective. Invited talk and panel discussion in Forchheim, Germany (2016).
  • Precipitation downscaling in complex terrain for modelling glacier mass balance: Principles, challenges and open scientific issues. IUGG, invited talk, Prague (2015).
  • Large-eddy simulation of downburst events over a mid-latitude Alpine valley glacier.  IUGG, Prague (2015).
  • Nanu – Children’s newspaper. Child-friendly articles and answers to children’s questions about weather phenomena, e.g. How do tornadoes form?, How do thunder and lightning form?, or How and why do rainbows actually form? Nuremberg, Germany (since 2015)
  • Assessment of the uncertainty and predictive power of large-scale predictors for nonlinear precipitation downscaling in the European Arctic. AGU General Assembly, San Francisco (invited talk, withdrawn).
  • Modelling snowdrift on Vestfonna Ice Cap, Svalbard. EGU General Assembly, Wien (2013).
  • Wintertourismus und Klimawandel im Harz. WDR, Television show, Aachen, Germany (2011).
  • Geophysical Downscaling Methods. – EGU General Assembly, Wien (2010).
  • Multi-stationäre Simulationen von täglichen Niederschlagssummen mit einem neuen, auf Surrogate basierenden Wettergenerator und Selbstorganisierenden Merkmalskarten. AK Klima, Hamburg, Germany (2010).
  • Towards a new surrogate-based non-Gaussian non-Markovian multi-station weather generator using self organising maps for weather classification applied to daily rain sums. EGU General Assembly, Wien (2009)
  • Multi-site simulation of daily rain sums using a new surrogate-based weather generator and self organising maps for weather classification. – Free Workshop on precipitation downscaling and modelling, Norwich, UK (2009)
  • Raumzeitliche Vorhersagen zur Schneebedeckung in deutschen Mittelgebirgen mithilfe eines Autoregressiven Neuronalen Netzwerks, Fernerkundungs- und GIS-Methoden. AK-Klima, Aachen, Germany (2008).